ZXD-ILC Personal Retreat

Get intensive personal attention from Sifu Kelley.  You will need to be engaged in the ZXD Student grading progression or completed Stage 1 of the Sifu On Demand curriculum in order to qualify for this Sifu On Demand Retreat Package. (Anyone can train but non ZXD Members pay a higher rate.)  Airfare, local transportation and meals are not included.

Daily rate includes:
  • All ongoing classes - (Intensive retreats and workshops not included)
  • Peer training
  • 2 hours per day private instruction with Sifu Kelley

24 hours before your arrival you should have:

  1. Agreed to and submitted the student code of conduct
  2. Forwarded your itinerary to Sifu
  3. Purchased your retreat days and any other retreats.

Total base daily rate = $175

For example, you could schedule your time with Sifu to align with one of our Intensive Retreat weekends (tuition not included in package). Your Personal Retreat days would be Thursday, Friday and Monday, with group training Saturday and Sunday. This would give you 5 solid days of training and keep costs managable.

Keep in mind that your personal retreat has a 3 day minimum duration to receive these special rates, otherwise standard private training rates apply. Update the quantity to reflect the number of days you wish to train before clicking 'Add To Cart'.



Tony Diaz
Antonio Diaz
"Before I met Sifu Kelley, I had been involved with martial arts for over 30 years. I have studied different styles of Kung Fu, most of my years in Wing Chung. 
Studying with Sifu Kelley has helped me understand more about true martial arts. I have studied with him for more than three years. He takes his training seriously and constantly maintains an atmosphere of lighthearted discipline. Sifu Kelley's knowledge of Chinese internal martial arts has helped me to grow... I enjoy training with him and always look forward to his classes."
Doc Savage Meditation
Doc Savage

"When I came for the first time to an 8 week class what I was expecting was to learn some cool new stretches; however, here's what I got: access to a ferocious martial art, intense exercise that leaves me feeling rejuvenated rather than depleted, the emotional benefits of meditation, the friendship of some great people, access to an expert instructor and access to his teacher, all wrapped up with health benefits and an instruction manual for success. I probably left out a few things but I think you'll understand when you try the class out!"

Rob P
Robert Ploger
"I have studied internal martial arts for most of my adult life and was very happy to discover Sifu Kelley's school last year.  There are two qualities I like to see in a teacher, a deep knowledge of the art and a generous heart and Sifu Kelley has both.  I highly recommend him to anyone who is truly interested in health and cultivating deep internal martial arts skill."